This is the facilities portal of Bihar Public Scxhool,Siwan.It contains all the details of facilities or infrastructure available in School like Class,Lab,Transportation,Campus,Staff..etc
We have technology enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology, such as computers, specialized software, audience response technology, assistive listening devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities. These classrooms are available for faculty and require a reservation prior to use.All Smart Classrooms support video projection from a laptop and some rooms contain resident computers. Library seminar rooms are supported through the use of portable projectors and screens, which are only available in the Library from the Information Commons.
We have a proper laboratories for all the required subjects. A adavnced equipments las computer laboratories,chemistry laboratories,physics laboratories and biology laboratories are available in Bihar Public School,Siwan.All students are only permitted in the lab session with lab coat and lab note book provided by the school management.We have a laboratories facilities alloated for classes,sections and batches.
We have more than 25 teaching staffs including 10 management lable staffs and 15 non-teaching staffs.All staffs has a good qualification as well as teaching teraining and well skilled for teaching the students that leads student to performe the excellent result among areas all schools every years.
Read MoreWe cover main trunk and feeder routes. Specific bus routes will depend on demand and will be determined at the beginning of each academic year. The school reserves the right to fix and/or change the bus routes as may be necessary from time to time. Parents will be duly informed about the bus routes before the classes commence.