This Portal Consists Motivational Speechs Of The Principal And Other Higher Authority.This is the Page Shows The View Of Child-Education By the Principal And Other Authorities..
January 01, 2015
Be your own Destiny Maker!
The Seed was sown in 2006 imparting quality education on modern lines so as to equip the new generation with the working knowledge essential to meet the challenges of life and shoulder the responsiblities.There is always a continuing concern about the development of Charecter and qualities of good citizenship among the students. We put emphasis on sports and extra curricular activities as we want them (Our Students) to be amongst the best in their academic studies as well as in cultural activities. To keep pace with Science and technology we offer computer education to enable them (Students) to cope with the scientific age. We are trying our best to lead the school in the school in the direction of a new horizon and strengthen the mottos of the seed that was sown 9 year ago. A team of highly educated,experienced,sincere and devoted teachers is nourishing the institution whole heartedly to help the students make their dreams come true.
January 01, 2015
From The Desk Of The Secretary!
It is well recognized truth that,The literacy is the root cause of all our social evils. Education provides the right direction of thinking to everyone.Recognizing importance of the education for our local society a few gentle and educated persons joined their hands together and gave birth to an educational institution named Bihar Public School. Education,discipline,dedication and determination are key words to success for any student. This is our trying to develop these qualities among every student. This is our motto to develop the student as an ideal to be followed by all other academic institution.